Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Rhetoric And Rhetoric - I Have A Dream By Martin Luther...

There are various models of rhetoric that have been applied in speeches, especially in the political and social world. For a long time, the world has been exposed to the persuasive model of rhetoric that has dominated most of the speeches we have had. A different approach to rhetoric has however not received the attention that it deserves. The rhetoric approach is called invitational model of rhetoric. The invitational approach promises to bring more impressive and long term results as opposed to the traditional model of rhetoric. This essay will examine and compare the traditional and the invitational models of rhetoric. Traditional Model of Rhetoric The artifact identified for purposes of this assignment is titled â€Å"I have a Dream† made by Martin Luther King in August 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington. The speech has been identified as a perfect example of the traditional models of rhetoric that sought to persuade. To understand this speech completely, it is crucial to understand the setting and the time during which it was made and who made it. The speech was delivered during the height of the American Civil Rights Movement that had taken over the whole country. The leader of this movement, civil rights activists Martin Luther King made the speech in front of a packed crowd that cheered on his every sentence; they wanted to send a message to the whole of America. The speech is a good example of a traditional model of rhetoric because of several factors. Firstly,Show MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream Speech1002 Words   |  5 PagesA Dream Come True Picture yourself living in a society where people are judged and hated upon because of the pigment of their skin, terrible right? Enslaved, criticized, and alienated because there were â€Å"different† from everyone else. Even when granted freedom, colored men and women were still treated as if they were peasants to America. Martin Luther King Jr’s speech had the power to motivate this broken society to end their racist ways. After being lied to for many of years about being â€Å"free†,Read MoreI Have A Dream Speech Written And Spoken By Martin Luther King Jr.1208 Words   |  5 PagesHave you ever wondered why or how politicians, motivational speakers, ministers, teachers and even parents get their message, lesson, or point across? The reason why is rhetoric, the way people chose to convey their message in a persuasive way. The use of different methods to get a message across is what makes politicians, speakers, minister, teachers and parents so successful in what they want people to think or do. When a certain person uses rhetoric they use what they know the people in the audienceRead MoreDr. Martin Luther King Research Paper1430 Words   |  6 PagesCommunications Essay DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. SPEECH â€Å"I HAVE A DREAM† Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15 , 1929 and died on April 4, 1968. He was born Michael Luther King Jr. but decided to change his name to Martin. Both Martin Luther’s grandfather and father were pastors of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. Martin Luther carried on the tradition and served as pastor from 1960-1968 (Nobel Prize, 1). He was a big part of the civil rights movement for his raceRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream Speech1018 Words   |  5 PagesI Have a Dream by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Cruelty, inequality, death, sorrow, misery. All words to be associated with the hardships Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. passionately describes in his I Have A Dream speech. King, an activist and civil rights leader gave an empowering speech on August 28, 1963 in Washington D.C. Millions of hearts were touched and inspired to fight for their rights(â€Å"American Rhetoric: Martin Luther King Jr.†). This speech is aimed towards every race in a different specificRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream Speech850 Words   |  4 PagesAt the March on Washington, August 28, 1963 Martin Luther King Jr. delivered the famous â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech. King was encouraged to write the speech because of all the injustices involving minority groups in America. He hopes to be a â€Å"beacon of light†(American Rhetoric:Martin Luther King) to many. Even though the â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech is targeted towards the negroes in the southern states in America that go through the struggle of inequality, it can be used to help all races. The purpose ofRead MoreLetter from Birmingham Jail; Rhetorical Analysis Essay1620 Words   |  7 PagesMartin Luther King Jr.’s Use of the Rhetoric Triangle Every writer has some sort of drive when writing a piece of work. Whether that drive comes from a creative source or the need to prove a point, it exists. For Martin Luther King Jr. that drive was the need to put an end to racial injustice that seemed to be everywhere. Martin Luther King Jr.’s â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† is a perfect example. â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† was King’s response to eight clergymen’s â€Å"A Call for Unity.† His driveRead MoreJohn F. Kennedy Compared to Martin Luther King Jr.957 Words   |  4 PagesCompare and Contrast Essay There have been many great speeches delivered in the past. Some of the best ones demonstrated why our our freedoms, our liberty, and to be united as a country, is so important. John F. Kennedy’s â€Å"Inaugural Address† and Martin Luther King Junior’s â€Å"I Have a Dream† are both great examples of such historical speeches. Both these speeches have many similarities such as, referencing the past, wanting change to happen, and both desired peace. 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Yes, they have their rights, but they are separated from the rest of society. They are looked down on. Martin Luther King Jr. wanted to put a end to this; he believed that everyone should be treated equal no matter their skin colorRead MoreAnalysis Of Vincent Van Gogh s The Starry Night Painting1180 Words   |  5 Pagesfive canons of rhetoric—invention, organization, style, memory, and delivery—apply? If they do, explain how you see them manifest in the artifact. - The Starry Night painting by Vincent van Gogh utilizes the five canons of rhetoric in this artifact because van Gogh used the invention of his paintings by suffrage he was facing from mental illness, and he used his paintings as a way to release his pain. The organization of his painting is chaotic and very vibrant with colors. You have to really look

Monday, December 16, 2019

Being a Girl Free Essays

Being Girl: A Sociological Memoir My first memory of kindergarten was this: dozens of tiny, petrified 5-year-olds being dropped off at their first day of school, and dozens of exhausted, overworked mothers consoling their weeping sons and daughters. I remember it vividly because, despite the terror and chaos, a single thought pervaded my mind, the thought that â€Å"these moms are not as pretty as my mom. † I wasn’t entirely biased, either. We will write a custom essay sample on Being a Girl or any similar topic only for you Order Now By North American standards of beauty, I was correct. Here was my mother, a rail-thin, blonde-haired, blue-eyed statuesque stunner, among a sea of frumpy women with visible wrinkles and tangles of black hair. And here I was, the daughter of this perfect specimen, the proud owner of a mother who was more â€Å"feminine†, more â€Å"womanly†, and therefore, I naively deduced, â€Å"a better mother†. In fact, although my vocabulary was fairly limited at the time, I believed her to be the epitome of all mothers. She looked, I told her that morning, â€Å"like a mom was supposed to look. † In interviewing my mother, she said that this was my â€Å"first brush with what it meant to be a girl. † Throughout kindergarten, I was labeled â€Å"weird†. I dug for worms, collected Pokemon cards (which was deemed a â€Å"boyish† activity), and none of my friends were girls. My teacher, a young woman who had just recently graduated from university, was often concerned for me, and thought that my lack of female friends would be detrimental to my developing of social skills, so she would often encourage the popular girls in the class to include me in their recess activities. They did as they were told, and despite my hesitation, I jumped rope with them at recess, while still managing to play with the boys for short periods of time. Finally, one day, the girls gave me an ultimatum: â€Å"us† or â€Å"them†. If I wanted to be an â€Å"official† member of their â€Å"club† (This was serious business; they had membership cards made out of construction paper), I had to give up the toy trucks and the rambunctious boys. With the encouragement of my teacher, I severed ties with the boys. Although I missed them, I quickly learned that being a girl was â€Å"better† anyways. Apparently, girls were allowed to wear makeup and dresses and boys had cooties and never took baths and didn’t I like being clean? I suppose I liked being clean, but what I really liked was being accepted by this particular group of popular girls. I suppressed my love of all things â€Å"dirty†, all things that were labeled â€Å"boy†, and developed a superficial affinity for all things typically â€Å"girly†, in an attempt to fit comfortably into this group. I skipped rope at recess, I choreographed dances, and I received a ballerina outfit from my parents at Christmas that I absolutely adored. Being a girl was not very hard. It came with a list of instructions. Do this, talk like this, wear this, and you are a girl. It was less of an innate instinct than it was a learned act. I wasn’t born with an eyelash curler in hand, rather, it was handed down to me by a girl older than myself. The torch of femininity was passed down from generation to generation until it finally landed in my dirt-stained lap. In 9th grade, in a fit of rebellion against my mother, who I fought with often around this time, I cut my hair short. Not just â€Å"short†, I cut my hair boy short, a look my mother wasn’t too fond of, which, naturally, made me covet and admire it more, because nothing is as satisfying as a mother’s disapproval when you are a rebellious teenager. When I returned to school the Monday following my haircut, however, I didn’t get the positive reaction I had anticipated. No, the minute I walked into my first period class, the official â€Å"bully† of the grade, a tall, unattractive fellow, asked me if I had become a â€Å"dyke†, and insisted on calling me â€Å"dykey† for the remainder of the day. The strange behavior of my classmates didn’t stop there. Girls I only casually talked to began avoiding me, which I learned while interviewing a friend from that time was because they were â€Å"convinced I was trying to hit on them†. Boys treated me differently as well. According to this same friend, it was because they believed I was gay. Not â€Å"lesbian†, because, for them, the word â€Å"lesbian† conjured up images of attractive girls drunkenly kissing at a house party, but gay. Gay as in homosexual, gay as in â€Å"fag†. I didn’t understand why a simple haircut had drastically changed my classmate’s opinions of me. Sure, I dressed a bit â€Å"boyish†, as I wasn’t fond of dresses and found skirts to be uncomfortable, but that was all a matter of taste, not sexuality. Wasn’t it? Besides, I wasn’t gay. I had a boyfriend at the time. I quickly learned that being â€Å"gay† had little to do with who you liked, and more to do with what you did. The â€Å"last straw†, the event that acted as a catalyst, the one that prompted me to conform to what it meant to be a â€Å"girl†, occurred the day I accompanied my sister to our high school’s uniform shop to buy her a blazer. My hair was still cropped short at the time. I wore long, baggy jeans, no makeup, and an oversized band t-shirt. Upon walking up to the cash register, the lady behind the counter turned to my sister and blurted out, innocently, â€Å"Oh, is this your brother? † I was too embarrassed to correct her, and instead gazed at her awkwardly until she realized her mistake. After a moment of tense silence, it dawned on her. â€Å"Oh! haha, silly me, I meant sister,† she swallowed nervously, embarrassed. I honestly didn’t really mind being confused for a boy, but this lady was intent on defending my womanly honor. â€Å"I’m really, really sorry. You know, when I was young, I had short hair for while, and tons of people thought I was a boy. It was so embarrassing. † Surprisingly, her short anecdote did not make me feel better. According to her, being confused for a boy was this terribly embarrassing ordeal that she carried with her all her life. She apologized profusely for the mixup, and continued to do so throughout the school year, whenever I happened to stop by the uniform shop. Through her, I learned that not adhering to strict gender rules on how one should dress caused embarrassment and humiliation, and I therefore should’ve been profoundly humiliated when the mixup occurred. When future incidents similar to this one occurred (I was confused for a boy a second time in a restaurant a few months later), I knew that I should be ashamed of myself. I had utterly failed at being feminine, so much so that I might as well have been a boy. Oh the horror. The fear of â€Å"not being girly enough† grew more intense with every snide remark and homophobic slur, and I soon found myself staying home on weekends, retreating to my room, my fortress, playing video games while my peers downed copious amounts of alcohol and partied, for the few months it took my hair, the symbol of my femininity, the only thing that differentiated me from a boy, to grow back. Once it did, I was quickly re-accepted into my group of peers. I was a girl, I looked like a girl, and I acted like a girl, and this seemed to please them. I â€Å"knew my place†, so to speak. Gender Roles and Sexuality While gender has both biological and neurological components, my personal experiences with gender have allowed me to see gender as more of a social construct. In terms of gender, I’m a believer in behaviorism, the psychology that emphasizes socialization over biology in creating gender identity. In my experiences, for the most part, gender was not a naturally occurring phenomenon, it was taught. My experiences mostly relate to feminist postmodernism, which, out of all the categories of feminism in relation to gender, emphasizes the influence of social constructs the most. Queer Theory, a methodology within postmodernism that was introduced by Professor Judith Butler in her book Gender Trouble, also relates to my experiences. The theory states that gender identity is not created by biology, but by â€Å"gender performance. † She argues that individuals are not distinctly â€Å"male† or â€Å"female†. Male and female were opposites on a spectrum, and most people fell somewhere in the middle of the spectrum, but â€Å"acted† more male or female depending on the situation. Growing up, I displayed different characteristics that were specific to both males and females. I was quiet, a characteristic usually attributed to girls, and I was â€Å"tough†: I occasionally picked fights, a characteristic usually attributed to boys. Butler’s theory that people act exclusively male or female to conform to gender expectation is completely relatable. In order to be a â€Å"girl†, I had to give up my â€Å"other half†. In my above narrative, I mentioned that, to be part of the popular girl’s posse, I had to sever ties with the boys. In this situation, I was either a â€Å"girl† or a â€Å"boy†, and I had to choose which one I wanted to be. I ultimately chose girl, although I would have much preferred if I could maintain both my male and female characteristics and qualities. Queer Theory also states that gender â€Å"performances† are restricted by sanctions (Steckley, Letts 360). We avoid acting out (or performing) in ways that conflict with gender norms because we want to avoid negative sanctions. In my experiences, negative sanctions imposed by my peers (including overt forms of bullying, being labelled a â€Å"dyke†, and being rejected) fostered in me a deep-seated fear of ostracism, and I learned to conform to gender norms and roles in order to gain acceptance among my lassmates. I believe the â€Å"ideology of fag† perfectly sums up my aforementioned experiences. The ideology of fag is a set of beliefs which dictates that â€Å"if you violate a gender role, you must be gay† (Stekley, Letts 360). Prior to my ostracism, the word â€Å"gay†, to me, was a neutral word. It simply refe rred to homosexuality. However, in high school, â€Å"gay† became an accusation, a threat. Being a â€Å"lesbo† or a â€Å"dyke† was something immoral. It was an insult hurled at me with the utmost contempt. It became the most powerful sanction, the one that I believe played the biggest role in my gender socialization. My classmates made it clear that a â€Å"dyke† was something that I didn’t want to be, and therefore, to eliminate any traces of lesbian-ness, I had to â€Å"become† a girl. If I was gay because I violated gender roles, because I dressed like boys and enjoyed activities that boys typically enjoyed, then all I needed to do to not be gay was to stop violating these gender roles. Gayness, in essence, was in no way related to who you were sexually attracted to; it referred to the violation of gender norms. Acting aggressive, initiating fights and being obnoxious â€Å"meant† that a girl was a lesbian. A passive, nurturing, sensitive boy was gay. This relates to Ann Oakley’s concept of gender and gender roles. Gender roles are â€Å"sets of expectations concerning behavior and attitudes that relate to being male or female† (Steckley, Letts 354). Gender roles, their enforcement, and the severity of the consequences doled out to those who reject them differ across cultures and societies. In my classroom, in my pseudo-society, there was no room for androgyny. Gender roles were rigidly enforced, and anyone who strayed from them was ridiculed and marginalized. Boys who did not assert themselves, or boys who ventured into the category of subordinate masculinity, as opposed to complicit or hegemonic, were routinely beaten, demeaned and humiliated until they â€Å"manned up†, hid their homosexuality (in most cases, however, they were not gay, simply â€Å"too sensitive†) and participated in complicit masculine practices. Girls who did not act typically feminine, sensitive and unabashedly â€Å"girlish† were marginalized as well, and although they did not suffer to the same extent that the marginalized boys did, and were not subjected to beatings, they nevertheless were severely pressured into assuming a â€Å"traditional† female gender role. Today, my hair is longer. It is blonde at times, brown at times, it is often black, but it is never short. My uniform consists of tights, shorts and skirts. I have worn pants approximately 3 times this semester, and on each occasion it was because I was running late. I never leave the house without at least some form of makeup. I justify my sudden change in taste by reassuring myself that I have simply â€Å"grown up†. I’ve navigated away from my boyish nature in the same way that I navigated away from cartoons and cheeseburgers: It followed the natural order of things. However, despite my reassurances, the real reason behind my change is not becoming â€Å"more mature†. The truth is, I’m scared. I’ve been socialized into this gender role and I know that scrutiny is awaiting me if I ever choose to leave it. I fear breaking gender norms and being subjected to negative sanctions in the same way I fear dark alleys at night. It is a rational fear, in that it protects me from being ostracized and it satisfies a very basic human need: the need to be accepted. Work Cited Steckley, J. , and Kirby Letts, G. (2010). Elements of Sociology. Oxford University Press Canada. How to cite Being a Girl, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Women as Victim in Rossetti Poetry free essay sample

The Rossetti poetry exclusively portrays women as victims. The themes of women destroyed by love, by tragic lovers or by other means are also typical of this Rossetti poetry. Most of the times, women are represented as victims of a tragic love, as a sexual frustration or they represented a punishment of the female. Other subject is the representation of the fallen woman (women who had given in to seduction, living a life in sin). For example, in Cousin Kate, the narrator has been left by the Lord and been outcast from the society. Moreover, women have been represented as victims of her situation in society. For example, the princess in The Royal Princess is lonely even though she has everything one would dream of but she lacks companionship. Being a princess she is supposed to behave in a certain way and is losing the basic fun touch of life. Sometimes the women are represented as Objects of Desire. We will write a custom essay sample on Women as Victim in Rossetti Poetry or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For example, in goblin market, goblins tempted the girls. Once the girl falls in the trap and gives into her temptations, she is left to suffer and men move on to find their next girl. For example, in cousin kate, woman was seduced by the men and then left alone. They must bare the consequences of their mistakes and the men that had took advantage of them were free to carry on with their lives. The lord misuses his position in his seduction because he creepily watches Kate at her gate. He lures the girl like a hunter. He praises the girl and makes Kate feel in love with him. Men are cruel and have a low view of women and the lord sees the girl as a â€Å"plaything† he explores the simile as a glove. In Cousin Kate , it says â€Å"I sit and howl in dust†, and the neighbours call her â€Å"an outcast thing† this suggests that she is a social outcast now because she has had sex out of wedlock. It also says â€Å"I moan, an unclean thing† this suggests that she were pregnant.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Tonicity on cell membrane lab report Essay Example

Tonicity on cell membrane lab report Paper Unknown solution C showed no change to the RUB shape, it was suggested that unknown solution C was isotonic. To confirm the tonality of unknown solutions A, B and C, a potato strip was placed in 3 separate tubes containing each unknown solution. After each potato strip soaked for twenty minutes it was proven; unknown solution A was hypersonic due to the flaccidity of the potato strip. Unknown solution B proved to be hypotonic because the potato felt extremely rigid. Lastly, the potato strip soaking in unknown solution C was flexible which proved to be isotonic. From those results each unknown solution was established and allowing the determination of tonality for unknown solutions A, B and C. Introduction The cell membrane was discovered by Swiss botanist Carl Engaged and C. Cramer in 1855. 2 The cell membrane, also known as the plasma membrane is a phosphoric bilateral. Each phosphoric molecule contains a polar head, composed of a phosphate group and glycerol that is hydrophilic (water-loving) and soluble in water, as well as a monopole tail, composed of fatty acids that is hydrophobic (water-fearing) and insoluble in water. The polar heads are on he two surfaces of the lipid bilateral facing the extracurricular and intracellular environment, while the monopole tails are in the interior of the bilateral away from the water. Because the fatty acid tails cling together, phosphoric in the presence of water form a self-sealing bilateral. The most important function of the plasma membrane is to serve as a selective barrier for materials enterin g and exiting the cell. Plasma membranes have selective permeability. We will write a custom essay sample on Tonicity on cell membrane lab report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Tonicity on cell membrane lab report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Tonicity on cell membrane lab report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Gases pass through easily, water passes through via transport channels known as aspirins, ions penetrate the membrane very slowly, and larger molecules such as protein) cannot penetrate the plasma membrane without the help of transport proteins. Materials move across plasma membranes in two ways: passive and active transport. In passive transport, substances move across the membrane from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration (down the concentration gradient) without the use of energy. In active transport the cell must use energy to push substances from areas of low concentration to areas of high concentration (against the concentration gradient). Passive transport includes osmosis, which was discovered by French botanist, Henry Trochee in 1826. 4 Osmosis is the net movement of solvent molecules across a selectively permeable membrane from an area with high concentration of solvent molecules (low concentration of solute molecules) to an area of low concentration of solvent molecules (high concentration of solute molecules). Osmosis attempts to equalize the solute concentrations on both sides. Tonality is the amount of solute in a solution. A Solute is any dissolved substance in a solution. An isotonic solutions concentration of solutes is equal to inside the cell. The solvent leaves and enters the cell at the same rate, therefore there is no et change; the cells contents are in equilibrium with the solution outside the cell wall. A hypotonic solution outside the ce ll has a concentration of solutes that is lower than inside the cell. This tonality causes the solvent to rush into the cell, forcing the cell to swell and sometimes burst (osmotic lysine). A hypersonic solution has a higher concentration of solutes than inside the cell, causing the solvent to leave the cell. Cells placed in a hypersonic solution will shrink as the solvent leaves the cells. Plant cells react differently to osmosis than animal cells. When an animal cell is placed in a hypersonic solution, water will leave the cell causing it to shrink, this is known as creation. When a plant cell is placed in a hypersonic solution the cell membrane will pull away from the cell wall, making the plant flaccid, this is known as polynomials. When an animal cell is placed in a hypotonic solution, water will rush in to the cell, causing it to swell and sometimes burst. A plant cell placed in a hypotonic solution will also swell due to water rushing in, but will resist rupturing due to the rigid cell wall. Plant cells come more rigid in a hypotonic solution. In this activity we will be observing the effects of potato slices and red blood cells being placed in varying molar levels of Niacin. Methods The materials used for the first part of the experiment comprised of the following: a microscope, 4 slides, 4 slide covers, blood samples, lancet, a sheet of paper towel, 3 test tube droppers, Solutions A, Solutions B, and Solution C. Blood samples from a volunteer within the group were used to conduct the experiment. The volunteers hands were thoroughly washed and an alcohol swab was applied to further sanitize the hands. To gather the blood samples needed, a lancet was properly placed on the forefinger and a firm pressure was applied, which activated the needle inside to spring forward and pierce through the skin. The pierced through finger was massaged to ensure sufficient amount of blood was extracted. A drop of blood was placed in each of the slides. Immediately after, 1 drop of Solution A was added to Slide 2, 1 drop of Solution B was added to Slide 3, and 1 drop of Solution C was added to Slide 4. Slide 1 served as the control, therefore, no solution drops were added to Slide 1. All 4 slides were lined up on paper towel with its corresponding labels: Control, Solution A, Solution B, and Solution C. Once all slides were prepared, the microscope was adjusted appropriately. The slide labeled Control was placed under the microscope at the lowest magnification. The microscope was further calibrated and adjusted accordingly to the higher magnification to view best results under the microscope. The team reviewed the tonality and size of the cells under the microscope and observations were noted. The next 3 slides were viewed under the microscope in the same manner as the control slide. Each slide as examined, evaluated, and analyzed by the individual team members. Observations and conclusions were drawn for each slide and solution. The following materials were prepared for the second part of the experiment: four pieces of potato sliced in identical proportions, Solution A, Solution B, and Solution C in its respective containers with corresponding labels. One potato was placed on a clean piece of paper towel and was labeled the control. The three remaining slices of potato were each placed in a Solutions container and submerged for twenty minutes. After twenty minutes, potatoes were taken UT of the solutions and placed on the paper towel. Each potato was evaluated and analyzed by the individual team members. Observations were noted and conclusions were drawn for each potato and solution. Results Image l. A drop of blood is smeared onto a glass slide, without any added solution, and then examined under a microscope. This is the Control slide, which will facilitate comparison and contrast of red blood cells in different unknown solutions. Image II. A drop of blood is smeared onto a glass slide with an Unknown Solution A and examined under the microscope. Compared to the Control, shrinkage of red blood cells is evident, which suggests creation. Image Ill. Solution B is added to a drop of blood on a glass slide, which is then evaluated under a microscope. In comparison to the Control slide, the red blood cells are swollen. Image IV. This image is displaying a drop of blood that is mixed with Unknown Solution C. Upon observation, the red blood cells maintained the same shape as our control sample. The solution equally moved in and out of each cell. Discussion Cells placed in solution A, displayed signs of creation, indicating the solution was hypersonic. The cells that were placed in solution B showed signs that they were swelling and that hemolytic taking place as well as, indicating the solution was hypotonic. Lastly, cells were placed in solution C, which maintained constant volume and pressure, identical to our control indicating the solution was isotonic. The findings were consistent with the principle behind tonality. Hypersonic solutions have a higher concentration of solutes than the cell; therefore, the cell displays water flowing out to maintain equilibrium, thus resulting in creation. On the other hand, in hypotonic solution, the extracurricular space has a lower incineration of solutes, thus enabling water to flow in, which results in cell swelling and possibly hemolytic. In a hypotonic environment, where the water moves into the cell by osmosis and causes its volume to increase to the point where the volume exceeds the membranes capacity and the cell bursts. In isotonic solution, the solute concentrations are in equilibrium so there is equal movement of water in or out of the cell. Tonality is the relative concentration of solutions that determine the direction and extent of diffusion. Cells have a certain malarial and when they are placed in a solution of different malarial, a incineration gradient forms and that creates osmotic pressure on the cells membrane. In order to maintain equilibr ium between the cell and the solution, passive transport occurs. As mentioned above, there are three levels of tonality: isotonic, hypotonic and hypersonic. We also observed strips of potatoes in the same solutions A, B and C. When the potato was placed in hypersonic solution, the cells shrunk, allowing more room to bend without breaking. In an isotonic solution, there was equal movement of water so the potato remained at the same rigidity. In a hypotonic solution, the cells became swollen and closer gather, making the potato more rigid. Conclusion Initially, this experiment was to determine the effects of tonality (Hypersonic; cells shrink, Hypotonic; cells swell, Isotonic; cells remain the same) on a cell B, C). The data collected during this experiment supported the determination of the effects of tonality, the relative concentration of solutions that determine the direction and extent of diffusion. After the initial prick of the finger a drop of blood was placed on each slide. For slides A, B and C there was one drop of the each unknown solution then the cover was placed over the blood. Immediately, there after the slide was placed under a microscope for a real naked eye view of the red blood cells. There were 4 slides in total including the control slide. What was not expected to occur was for the controlled slide to have had too much blood dropped which resulted in the cells not separating at all. It was determined that a second control slide was needed. The three slides with the unknown solution were inspected under the microscope as well. During this time it was noted whether each unknown solution mixed with the blood sample was Hypersonic, Hypotonic or Isotonic. After, completing this experiment the next step was to do the same with the potato strips. The potatoes were placed in each unknown solution for twenty minutes. It was also noted that each of the potatoes in the unknown solutions had the same reaction as the red blood cells. The potato in unknown solution A was hypersonic due to the flaccidity of the potato strip. The cells within the potato shrunk. Unknown solution B proved to be hypotonic because the potato felt extremely rigid. The cells became swollen. Unknown solution C proved to be isotonic. The potato was flexible and not too rigid or flaccid. The potato placed in solution C was the most similar to the control potato, which was not placed in any fluid.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Publication of the Pentagon Papers

The Publication of the Pentagon Papers The publication by the New York Times of a secret government history of the Vietnam War in 1971 was a significant milestone in the history of American journalism. The Pentagon Papers, as they became known, also set into motion of chain of events that would lead to the Watergate scandals which began the following year. The appearance of the Pentagon Papers on the front page of the newspaper on Sunday, June 13, 1971, infuriated President Richard Nixon. The newspaper possessed so much material leaked to it by a former government official, Daniel Ellsberg, that it intended to publish  a continuing series drawing upon the classified documents. Key Takeaways: The Pentagon Papers These leaked documents detailed many years of American involvement in Vietnam.Publication by the New York Times brought sharp reaction from the Nixon administration, which ultimately led to unlawful actions of the Watergate scandal.The New York Times won a landmark Supreme Court decision hailed as a victory for the First Amendment.Daniel Ellsberg, who provided the secret documents to the press, was targeted by the government but the prosecution fell apart due to government misconduct. At Nixons direction, the federal government, for the first time in history, went to court to prevent a newspaper from publishing material.   The court battle between one of the countrys great newspapers and the Nixon administration gripped the nation. And when the New York Times obeyed a temporary court order to cease publication of the Pentagon Papers, other newspapers, including the Washington Post, began publishing their own installments of the once-secret documents. Within weeks, the New York Times prevailed in a Supreme Court decision. The press victory was deeply resented by Nixon and his top staff, and they responded by beginning their own secret war against leakers in the government. Actions by a group of White House staffers calling themselves â€Å"The Plumbers† would lead to a series of covert actions that escalated into the Watergate scandals. What Was Leaked The Pentagon Papers represented an official and classified history of United States involvement in Southeast Asia. The project was initiated by Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara, in 1968. McNamara, who had masterminded Americas escalation  of the Vietnam War, had become deeply disillusioned. Out of an apparent sense of remorse, he commissioned a team of military officials and scholars to compile documents and analytical papers which would comprise the Pentagon Papers. And while the leaking and publication of the Pentagon Papers was viewed as a sensational event, the material itself was generally quite dry. Much of the material consisted of strategy memos circulated among government officials in the early years of American involvement in Southeast Asia. The publisher of the New York Times, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, later quipped, Until I read the Pentagon Papers I did not know that it was possible to read and sleep at the same time. Daniel Ellsberg   The man who leaked the Pentagon Papers, Daniel Ellsberg, had gone through his own lengthy transformation over the Vietnam War. Born on April 7, 1931, he had been a brilliant student who attended Harvard on a scholarship. He later studied at Oxford, and interrupted his graduate studies to enlist in the U.S. Marine Corps in 1954. After serving three years as a Marine officer, Ellsberg returned to Harvard, where he received a doctorate in economics. In 1959 Ellsberg accepted a position at the Rand Corporation, a prestigious think tank which studied defense and national security issues.   For several years Ellsberg studied the Cold War, and in the early 1960s he began to focus on the emerging conflict in Vietnam. He visited Vietnam to help assess potential American military involvement, and in 1964 he accepted a post in the Johnson administration State Department. Ellsberg’s career became deeply intertwined with the American escalation in Vietnam. In the mid-1960s he visited the country frequently and even considered enlisting in the Marine Corps again so he could participate in combat operations. (By some accounts, he was dissuaded from seeking a combat role as his knowledge of classified material and high-level military strategy would have made him a security risk should he be captured by the enemy.) In 1966 Ellsberg returned to the Rand Corporation. While in that position, he was contacted by Pentagon officials to participate in the writing of the Vietnam War’s secret history. Ellsberg’s Decision to Leak Daniel Ellsberg was one of about three-dozen scholars and military officers who participated in creating the massive study of U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia from 1945 to the mid-1960s. The entire project stretched into 43 volumes, containing 7,000 pages. And it was all considered highly classified. As Ellsberg held a high security clearance, he was able to read vast amounts of the study. He came to the conclusion that the American public had been seriously misled by the presidential administrations of Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson.   Ellsberg also came to believe that President Nixon, who had entered the White House in January 1969, was needlessly prolonging a pointless war. As Ellsberg became increasingly unsettled by the idea that many American lives were being lost because of what he considered deception, he became determined to leak parts of the secret Pentagon study. He began by taking pages out of his office at the Rand Corporation and copying them, using a Xerox machine at a friends business. Seeking a way to publicize what he had discovered, Ellsberg first began to approach staff members on Capitol Hill, hoping to interest members working for members of Congress in copies of the classified documents.   The efforts to leak to Congress led nowhere. Congressional staffers were either skeptical of what Ellsberg claimed to have, or were afraid of receiving classified material without authorization. Ellsberg, in February 1971, decided to go outside the government. He gave portions of the study to Neil Sheehan, a New York Times reporter who had been a war correspondent in Vietnam. Sheehan recognized the importance of the documents, and approached his editors at the newspaper. Publishing the Pentagon Papers The New York Times, sensing the significance  of the material Ellsberg had passed to Sheehan, took extraordinary action. The material would need  to be read and assessed for news value, so the newspaper assigned a team of editors to review the documents.   To prevent word of the project from getting out, the newspaper created what was essentially a secret newsroom in a Manhattan hotel suite several blocks from the newspaper’s headquarters building. Every day for ten weeks a team of editors hid away in the New York Hilton, reading the Pentagon’s secret history of the Vietnam War. The editors at the New York Times decided a substantial amount of  material should be published, and they planned to run the material as a continuing series. The first installment appeared on the top center of the front page of the large Sunday paper on June 13, 1971. The headline was understated: Vietnam Archive: Pentagon Study Traces 3 Decades of Growing U.S. Involvement. Six pages of documents appeared inside the Sunday paper, headlined, â€Å"Key Texts From Pentagon’s Vietnam Study.† Among the documents reprinted in the newspaper were diplomatic cables, memos sent to Washington by American generals in Vietnam, and a report detailing covert actions which had preceded open U.S. military involvement in Vietnam. Before publication, some editors at the newspaper advised caution. The most recent documents being published would be several years old and posed no threat to American troops in Vietnam. Yet the material was classified and it was likely the government would take legal action.   Nixon’s Reaction On the day the first installment appeared, President Nixon was told about it by a national security aide, General Alexander Haig (who would later become Ronald Reagan’s first secretary of state). Nixon, with Haig’s encouragement, became increasingly agitated.   The revelations appearing in the pages of the New York Times did not directly implicate Nixon or his administration. In fact, the documents tended to portray politicians Nixon detested, specifically his predecessors, John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, in a bad light.   Yet Nixon had reason to be very concerned. The publication of so much secret government material offended many in the government, especially those working in national security or serving in the highest ranks of the military.   And the audacity of the leaking was very disturbing to Nixon and his closest staff members, as they were worried that some of their own secret activities might someday come to light. If the country’s most prominent newspaper could print page after page of classified government documents, where might that lead?   Nixon advised his attorney general, John Mitchell, to take action to stop the New York Times from publishing more material. On Monday morning, June 14, 1971, the second installment of the series appeared on the front page of the New York Times. That night, as the newspaper was preparing to publish the third installment for the Tuesday paper, a telegram from the U.S. Department of Justice arrived at the New York Times headquarters. It demanded that the newspaper stop publishing the material it had obtained.   The publisher of the newspaper responded by saying the  newspaper would obey a court order if one was issued. But short of that, it would continue publishing. The front page of Tuesdays newspaper carried a prominent headline, â€Å"Mitchell Seeks to Halt Series on Vietnam But Times Refuses.†Ã‚   The next day, Tuesday, June 15, 1971, the federal government went to court and secured an injunction which stopped the New York Times from proceeding with the publication of any more of the documents Ellsberg had leaked. With the series of articles in the Times halted, another major newspaper, the Washington Post, began publishing material from the secret study which had been leaked to it. And by the middle of the first week of the drama, Daniel Ellsberg was identified as the leaker. He found himself the subject of an F.B.I. manhunt. The Court Battle The New York Times went to federal court to fight against the injunction. The governments case contended that material in the Pentagon Papers endangered national security and the federal government had a right to prevent its publication. The team of lawyers representing the New York Times argued that the publics right to know was paramount, and that the material was of great historic value and did not pose any current threat to national security. The court case moved though the federal courts at surprising speed, and arguments were held at the Supreme Court on Saturday, June 26, 1971, only 13 days after the first installment of the Pentagon Papers appeared. The arguments at the Supreme Court lasted for two hours. A newspaper account published the following day on the front page of the New York Times noted a fascinating detail: Visible in public - at least in cardboard-clad bulk - for the first time were the 47 volumes of 7,000 pages of 2.5-million words of the Pentagons private history of the Vietnam War. It was a government set. The Supreme Court issued a decision affirming the right of newspapers to publish the Pentagon Papers on June 30, 1971. The following day, the New York Times featured a headline across the entire top of the front page: Supreme Court, 6-3, Upholds Newspapers On Publication of the Pentagon Report; Times Resumes Its Series, Halted 15 Days. The New York Times continued publishing excerpts of the Pentagon Papers. The newspaper featured front-age articles based on the secret documents through July 5, 1971, when it published its ninth and final installment. Documents  from the Pentagon Papers were also quickly published in a paperback book, and its publisher, Bantam, claimed to have one  million copies in print by mid-July 1971. Impact of the Pentagon Papers For newspapers, the Supreme Court decision was inspiring and emboldening. It affirmed that the government could not enforce  prior restraint to block publication of material it wanted kept from public view. However, inside the Nixon administration the resentment felt toward the press only deepened. Nixon and his top aides became fixated on Daniel Ellsberg. After he was identified as the leaker, he was charged with a number of crimes ranging from illegal possession of government documents to violating the Espionage Act. If convicted, Ellsberg could have faced more than 100 years in prison. In an effort to discredit Ellsberg (and other leakers) in the eyes of the public, White House aides formed a group they called The Plumbers. On September 3, 1971, less than three months after the Pentagon Papers began appearing in the press, burglars directed by White House aide E. Howard Hunt  broke into the office of Dr. Lewis Fielding, a California psychiatrist. Daniel Ellsberg had been a patient of Dr. Fielding, and the Plumbers were hoping to find damaging material about Ellsberg in the doctors files. The break-in, which was disguised to look like a random burglary, produced no useful material for the Nixon administration to use against Ellsberg. But it indicated the lengths to which government officials would go to attack perceived enemies. And the White House Plumbers would later play major roles the following year in what became the Watergate scandals. Burglars connected to the White House Plumbers were arrested at the Democratic National Committee offices in the Watergate office complex in June 1972. Daniel Ellsberg, incidentally, faced a federal trial. But when details of the illegal campaign against him, including the burglary at Dr. Fieldings office,  became known, a federal judge dismissed all charges against him.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Widener University Admissions (Costs, Scholarships Aid More)

Widener University Admissions (Costs, Scholarships Aid More) Widener University - DelawareDescription: Located just outside of Wilmington, Delaware, this campus of Widener University was built in 1976. It is primarily a Law School (the majority of students are graduate students studying Law), but offers other degrees and programs as well. Popular undergraduate majors include general studies, information science, and paralegal fields.  The university has additional facilities in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and Chester, Pennsylvania.  Academics are supported by a healthy 9 to 1 student / faculty ratio, and the small school size provides students with a personalized and individual course of study. Campus life is active with many student clubs and organizations to choose from, including academic honor societies, activism/political clubs, and recreational sports. Wilmington, with a population of around 70,000, offers students cultural and city-life experiences; students get the opportunity to study in a small community, while still being close to a vibrant city center. On the main campus , the Widener Pride compete in the NCAA Division III MAC Commonwealth Conference. The university fields 10 mens and 11 womens intercollegiate teams.   Admissions Data (2014): Percent of Applicants Admitted: - %Widener University - Delaware  has open admissions Test Scores 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: - / -SAT Math: - / -SAT Writing: - / -Whats a good SAT score?ACT Composite: - / -ACT English: - / -ACT Math: - / -Whats a good ACT score? Enrollment (2014): Total Enrollment: 742 (93 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 13% Male / 87% Female24% Full-time Costs (2014 - 15): Tuition and Fees: $13,410Books: $1,200 (why so much?)Room and Board: $10,521Other Expenses: $5,616Total Cost: $30,747 Widener University - Delaware CampusFinancial Aid (2013 - 14): Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 67%Percentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 17%Loans: 67%Average Amount of AidGrants: $ -Loans: $7,188 Academic Programs: Most Popular Majors:  Legal Assistant/Paralegal, Business/Marketing, Information Science, Liberal Arts/General Studies Transfer, Graduation and Retention Rates: First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 100%4-Year Graduation Rate: 50%6-Year Graduation Rate: 50% Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics If You Like Widener University - Delaware, You May Also Like These Schools: Widener University: Profile   Temple University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph Wesley College: Profile   Rowan University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania: Profile   Kean University: Profile Delaware State University: Profile  Ã‚  Wilmington University: Profile   Arcadia University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph Drexel University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph Widener University - Delaware CampusMission Statement: mission statement from  widener.edu/about/vision_history/mission.aspx Here at Widener, a  leading metropolitan university,  we achieve our mission by creating a learning environment where curricula are connected to societal issues through civic engagement. Our mission at Widener includes the following tenets:   We lead  by providing a unique combination of liberal arts and professional education in a challenging, scholarly, and culturally diverse academic community.  We engage  our students through dynamic teaching, active scholarship, personal attention, and experiential learning.  We inspire  our students to be citizens of character who demonstrate professional and civic leadership.We contribute  to the vitality and well-being of the communities we serve.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Can literature tell the truth better than other arts (Theory of Essay

Can literature tell the truth better than other arts (Theory of knowledge) - Essay Example Some novels are good, some are terrible. The same can be said of other art forms as well. Many paintings are really boring to look at, others you can't stop looking at them. Perhaps it is best to compare the best of novels with the best of other arts. That way the comparison will be more fair and people can see what really happens. Literature are made up of novels and non-fiction works. A novel is very good at getting the reader inside the head of the people who are involved. For example, in the Harry Potter books, the author lets the readers know what Harry is thinking. If you compare this to the films of the books, in the films you don't know what people are thinking. But in the films you see the action better. So when you see Harry on his broomstick attacking a dragon that is better when you see it then when you read it in the book. Films show action better than novels but also are more simple. Novels are much longer and can include more details than a film. A film tends to make things simple for the audience. A novel also takes longer to read than a film takes to watch. A person can read two days today but thirty pages tomorrow. They can then leave the book for a month without reading it at all. So a book is the kind of art that you can take at your own pace. Other arts need to be seen all at once. This is especially the case with a film. You can't really watc five minutes one day, thirty the next and then leave it for a month before watching the rest. It would not seem to make sense. A painting, like a film, shows things rather than tells us about them. It is a picture rather than words. A painting just shows one thing, or set of things, while a novel can tell a whole story of a person or many different generations. The fact that the picture is simple makes it easier for the person who is looking at it to understand what is happening. A sculpture is like a picture in that it shows a particular scene, and only one. The sculpture is different than either novels or films because it is very physical in nature. Some sculptures, as long as they are not too famous, can actually be touched by a person looking at them. You cannot touch a novel or a film. A sculpture can be looked at from different angles, while a novel can only really be read in one way. If you look at a sculpture from behind it will look different from in front. But it will be the same sculpture. Is this a better view of the truth than can be found in novels In one way, yes, because it is like reale life. For example, if you meet someone for the first time you can look at them from the front or from the behind. There are different angles. This is the same with sculpture. Theatre is a bit like sculpture, except it uses real people. You actually see real people in theatre, unlike in film where they are just light on a screen. That makes it different. Different because you can tell that they are real people on the stage. Every performance will be different. A novel is always the same, as is a film. Poetry is an art that is like literature more than the other artes. This is because it uses words, like the novel. The only way a person can understand poetry is to read it. The poem is different from a novel in the fact that it is rather much shorter. You can read most poems in a few minutes. In one way this is like looking at a painting, or, to less extent, a film. Some poetry can be very difficult to read, even

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Alternative Dispute Essay

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Alternative Dispute Resolution - Essay Example The same is known as alternative dispute resolution1. According to the available literature on alterative dispute resolution, there are four categories of ADR, which include arbitration, negotiation, mediation and collaborative law. There are experts who tend to cite conciliation as the fifth category. Other than negotiation, all other ADR categories include the person of a outside, unbiased and external person, which acts as the third party to facilitate the process and ensure that the parties reach a settlement. There are thousands of cases of divorces, commercial disputes, family disputes, professional liability cases, insurance issues, personal injury situations and others, where ADR has proven to be more effective than the traditional court processes and the first choice of parties to resolve their disputes2. Nevertheless, there are some pros and cons of ADR. This paper, therefore, is an attempt to explore the various advantages and disadvantages associated with alternative disp ute resolution. Discussion Advantages of ADR First, ADR offers the advantage of being cheap and quick. On the other hand, formal court processes may take years and cost people a fortune. In fact, in many developing countries with huge populations such as India, Pakistan and others, it takes more than 20-30 years for a person to get a date for his or her case hearing. During the 1990s, a woman who was raped filled a petition in the court for justice. However, when her date for hearing arrived, it has been more than 5 years since her death3. Furthermore, many poor and lower class people forget about their issues and claims in various countries considering the legal fees, bribes and other money which they would have to pay for getting justice. ADR, on the other hand, allows people to get quick and inexpensive justice. Many arbitration boards would take less than a few weeks before they could finalize their decisions45. Second, people prefer to keep their internal matters public; howeve r, when they refer to courts for justice, everything becomes public. The bigger the case, the information about both the parties would leak into the public. However, in case of ADR, the same does not happen. Both parties cannot only ensure confidentiality during the investigations and hearings but if they want then the decision and results may also be kept only to people inside the rooms6. Third, despite the fact that the judges and jury have great deal of knowledge about the happenings in the society, nevertheless, they are not the experts of certain fields. Therefore, whenever technical matters are brought up in front of the jury, huge investments in terms of time and money have to be done in order to educate the jury and even then, there is lesser chance that the jury would give a verdict after fully understanding the technical matters7. Fourth, courts have a limited number of options. They are books of law, processes, specific rules and outcomes, which one can predict. In short, there are certain paths and processes, which the jury cannot avoid while making a decision. However, in ADR, the jury has the power to be more creative and give decisions in light of domestic laws, international laws, foreign laws or even religious laws8. Fifth,

Saturday, November 16, 2019

College Degree Essay Example for Free

College Degree Essay When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one person to dissolve the bands which has connected him to a low paying career with little hope for advancement, and to assume that the powers that be will not offer him the promotions and recognition that he feels he deserves to which the laws of nature and natures God entitles him, a decent respect to the hope he has for his future requires that he should declare the steps which he will take to achieve the goals which he has set for himself. . I have many goals which I hope to achieve through the attainment of my degrees. For the purpose of this recourse I will delve into three of them. The first goal I have is to attain a higher paying job. The second goal that I have is to work my way into a position of leadership. Finally, neither my father, mother nor brother has gone to college therefore it is my desire to be the first of our family to attain a degree. In the job market today high paying jobs are at a premium. I believe I heard a statistic once that said the average income for a single income home is around fifty-thousand dollars. I have lived in this income bracket and know how difficult it can be to maintain a household on that income. With a house payment and two car payments and everything else that goes into maintaining a home that can quickly drain a families finances. I recently took a higher paying job, in the upper sixties and just that small increase in salary has done wonders for my families cash flow. I hope to attain a position which pays in the nineties to low one-hundreds and beyond. Most jobs which pay high salary require as a requisite that the person in that position has a high level of education. Typically, the higher the level of education the higher the level of pay. I have always had many leadership qualities and I enjoy working with others to help them succeed. Leadership offers a unique opportunity to guide others and help them along their paths of success. I do not measure my personal success on how high of a leadership position that I can attain but rather the number of people that I can help to achieve the goals which they have set for themselves. Whether it be helping others increase knowledge or accomplish goals or just help them along their journey, I know that from a position of leadership I can help others in this way. That is why I wish to be a leader. Many positions of leadership require that you have degrees to go with your experience, so that is how I am hoping that a college degree will help me. Finally, I have a personal goal of being the first in my family to earn a college degree. Being a parent I know now that the old adage is true, parents always want their kids to do better in life than they have done. I know this is true of my parents. They have always hoped that I would do better than them and have always encouraged and supported me along that path. When I look back upon my college career it will be with a sense of pride knowing that this is something that my parents wanted for me just as much as I have desired it. I also know that my parents have a great hope and expectation that I provide a good life for their grandson and while money and recognition are not everything they certainly take some of the burden of raising a child off of you. In summation, all of my goals of earning degrees revolve around my son. When my son was born I immediately knew that I had to return to school. I had been floundering for too long in lower paying positions with little hope for advancement. My father provided a stable home as I was growing up, we never had to worry about money or food. My hope is that I will provide that and more for my family. By attaining a college degree I put my self into a much better position to attain a position which pays higher salaries. Additionally, it will allow me to help others by being in a position of leadership. Finally, the pride that I will have in myself and the pride that I know my parents and family will have in me will make the whole journey that much sweeter.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Consecutive Numbers :: Papers

Consecutive Numbers Task 1 Problem 1 Write down 3 consecutive numbers. Square the middle one. Multiply the first and the third number. Compare the two numbers, what do you notice? Problem 2 ========= Write down two consecutive numbers. Square both of the numbers and find the difference between the squares. What do you notice? Problem 1 ========= I am going to investigate several sets of three consecutive numbers to see if the square of the middle is related to the product of the outer two numbers in any way. 9,10,11 10Â ²= 100 9x11= 99 3,4,5 I notice that the square of the middle number is always one more than the product of the other numbers. 4Â ²=16 3x5=15 18,19,20 19Â ²=361 18x20=360 1,2,3 2Â ²=4 1x3=3 30,31,32 31Â ²=961 30x32=960 1st Number 2nd Number 3rd Number 2nd number squared 1st number x 3rd number 9 10 11 100 99 3 4 5 16 15 18 19 20 361 360 1 2 3 4 3 30 31 32 961 960 I have put my results in a table so that they will be easier to analyse and compare. When you take three consecutive numbers, square the middle and multiply the outer two, the squared number will always be one more than the product of the outer two. If this rule is correct, then by using the three consecutive numbers: 101,102,103, I predict that 102Â ² will equal one more than 101x103. 101,102,103 102Â ²=10404 101x103= 10403 My prediction was correct as 102Â ², 10404, is one more than 101x103, 10403.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Microelectromechanical Systems And Emerging Technology Engineering Essay

The engineering that takes into history micro fabrication of micro graduated table transducers, actuators, investigations, capacitances, inductances, valves, cogwheels, pumps, gyroscope, mirrors, switches, and so on, similar to semiconductor french friess is referred to as Microelectromechanical Systems, or MEMS. MEMS is an emerging engineering which uses the tools and engineerings that were developed for the incorporate circuit. In kernel, MEMS are little and incorporate devices, which combine electronics, electrical every bit good as mechanical elements to run into the control related functional demands such as detection and propulsion. MEMS design engineering is an drawn-out signifier of traditional microelectronic IC fiction techniques. Unlike microelectronic IC engineering, MEMS engineering can manufacture capacitances and inductances every bit good as mechanical elements such as springs, cogwheels, beams, stop, and so on. It was impossible to manufacture these constituents using IC engineering. IC engineering can merely manufacture music directors, dielectrics, and junctions ( rectifying tubes and transistors ) . MEMS, hence, is an advanced engineering every bit far as micro fabrication of Microsystems are concerned. MEMS are softly altering the manner you live, in ways that you might ne'er conceive of. The device that senses your auto has been in an accident, and fires the airbag is a MEMS device. Most new autos have over a twelve MEMS devices, doing your auto safer, more energy efficient, and more environmentally friendly. MEMS are happening their manner into a assortment of medical devices, and mundane consumer merchandises. Examples of MEMS device applications include inkjet-printer cartridges, accelerometers, illumination automatons, micro engines, locks, inertial detectors, micro transmittals, micro mirrors, micro actuators, optical scanners, fluid pumps, transducers, and chemical, force per unit area and flow detectors. New applications are emerging as the bing engineering is applied to the miniaturisation and integrating of conventional devices. Fig. 1.a MEMS device via medias electronics, electrical and mechanical elements Conductors Resistors Capacitors Inductors Semi- music directors Insulators Diodes Transistors ELECTRICAL Components ELECTRONIC Components Mechanical COMPONENTS Anchor Radio beam Bearing Cantilever Diaphragm Flexure Gear Home plates Post Probe MICROLEVEL DIMENSIONCategorization of MEMSMechanical MEMS:They largely emphasize two categories of devices ; mechanical construction based device and piezoelectric stuff based device. When the geometric structural constellations are exploited for feeling and triping purpose so the MEMS design can be classified under the first class. Assorted geometric structural constellations are cantilever, beam, home base, stop and hollow chamber. Piezoelectric stuff based mechanical detectors and actuators exploit the consequence of piezoelectric effect. As piezoelectric effect concerns with mechanical belongingss such as emphasis and strain, piezoelectric effect stuff based MEMS devices have been classified under mechanical MEMS. Broadly, the mechanical MEMS use the undermentioned methods and rules. Cantilever beam as feeling component Use of plates/diaphragms construction for capacitive detection Microphones as sound detectors Exploitation of coriolis acceleration in gyroscope for angular rate Measurements Principle of piezoelectric effect and piezomechanics Cantilevers bend when force per unit area is applied and oscillate in a manner similar to spring. Cantilever detectors can be used for the sensing of physical, chemical and biological analytes with comparatively good sensitiveness and selectivity. The application countries are huge including acoustic measurings, quiver monitoring, viscousness and denseness measuring, infrared and UV sensing, magnetic and electric field sensing, sensing of chemical bluess, including medical and biological agents, measuring of contaminations in H2O, explosive bluess, atomic radiation and sensing of DNA. A mike is an electro-mechanical-acoustic transducer that transforms acoustical energy into electrical energy. These are air-coupled supersonic microsensors, which take the advantages of miniaturisation and low power ingestion offering a broad scope of applications such as sound sensing and analysis, wind noise flow turbulency detection and quiver detection. The rule of such detectors is based on the mechanical quiver of micro-membranes or stop. The stop is a thin, round membrane that makes up a capacitance with the land plane. The value of the electrical capacity alterations during the quiver cased by the sound signal. The distortion or divergence of the membranes from the normal value depends on the amplitude of the incident force per unit area ( sound force per unit area ) . Measurement of the angular rate of rotary motion is utile in many applications. A really common application is the measuring of the orientation or lean a vehicle running at high velocity in a curving way. MEMS gyroscopes are designed to mensurate angular rate of rotary motion. The gyroscope exploits the Coriolos acceleration through a microplate with rotation-induced sidelong warp being sensed capacitively. Piezoelectric stuffs such as lead zirconate titanate ( PZT ) are assuring stuffs for MEMS applications due to their alone and singular belongingss. The PZT convert mechanical perturbations to electrical signals. Piezoelectric polymers are besides now being used abundantly as they offer the advantage of strain without weariness. Many MEMS accelerometers employ piezoelectric detection technique, using cantilever beams. Reverse of piezoelectric effect is called piezomechanics which can be exploited for the design of piezoactuators. MEMS mechanical detectors are really popular because of easy integrating process in the micromachining procedure. The basic challenge encountered in planing, nevertheless, is the execution of signal processing circuitry.Thermal MEMS:Thermal MEMS work on thermic phenomenon. Thermal phenomena are fundamentally described in footings of thermoelectric consequence, Peltier consequence, thermo sensitiveness, piezoelectric effect and form memory consequence. The topical topics under thermic MEMS include: Thermodevices including rule of thermocouple and thermopiles. Peltier heat pump and heat sink devices. Hotwire and microhotplate based thermic flow detector. Application of micro-thermo-vessels. U-shaped horizontal and perpendicular uni-and bidirectional thermal actuators. Chevron actuator. Thermocouple investigation for imagining, topography and informations storage applications.MOEMS:Micro Opto Electromechanical Systems is know as MOEMS. MOEMS are MEMS, but they handle optical signals alternatively of traditional electrical signals. MOEMS engineering accommodates the rules of optics, electronics and mechanics. MOEMS engineering requires a different set of regulations for operation as opposed to normal MEMS universe. MOEMS show good public presentation with negligible signal debasement and better quality of service ( QOS ) compared to traditional optoelectronic devices. High operational bandwidth and low power ingestion are the cardinal characteristics of MOEMS devices. MOEMS have emerged to supply alone functionality in telecommunication applications. Manufacturers of these devices are calculating new chances in information engineering, wellness attention, military, industrial, and trial and measuring sectors. Some of the most of import application of MOEMS are listed as follows. Free-space optical switches, routers and beam splitters. Concentrating constituents Tunable filters Display and projection systems Guided ocular devices and tunersMagnetic MEMS:Magnetic stuffs play of import function in planing MEMS detectors, actuators and storage devices. The magnetic stuffs could be soft or difficult. The usage of magnetic stuffs in MEMS is a recent development. Soft ferromagnetic stuffs have found the most public-service corporation in microsensors, microactuators and Microsystems. Hard magnetic stuffs have several applications including storage devices. Magnetoresistive ( MR ) stuffs are used for feeling applications. They are used for observing the strength and way of the magnetic field, which in bend can mensurate the distance, propinquity, place, angle and rotational velocity. The MR stuffs undergo a alteration in opposition in response to an applied magnetic field vector.RF MEMS:Wireless communications have existed for a long clip. New wireless communicating systems are being developed more quickly than of all time. Wireless engineering utilizes RF ( Radio Frequency ) signal, which is an electromagnetic ( EM ) signal. Radio frequence operates in the scope 9 Khz to 300Ghz. RF MEMS is an emerging engineering that plays a major function in speed uping the current growing in wireless communicating. The impact will be felt at all degrees in the wireless substructure from high-end transmittal Stationss to low-end consumer merchandises, particularly nomadic phones. RF MEMS add new capablenesss and improved power efficiency, while maint aining wireless devices little and low-cost. RF MEMS can be used for accomplishing: Transmission and response Time hold for phased- arrays VCO tuning Variable Delay Lines ( VDL ) RF set select filters Reconfigurable aerials design Intermediate frequence ( IF ) filteringMicrofluidic Systems:The survey of transit of fluids and their mixtures at a microscale degree is known as microfluidics. Microdevices, which are used to transport and hive away fluid, are called microfluidic systems ( MFS ) . Typically the MFS grip fluid volumes in the order of nanoliter. Some of the of import edifice blocks of microfluidic systems are: Microchannel Microvalves Micronozzles Micropumps Microreservoirs There are a great figure of applications of microfluidic systems. Some of the of import applications are inkjet printing, drug dispensing, reaction analysis, blending and separation, chemical synthesis, sensing of chemical species, familial analysis and semiconducting material processing. The advantages of MEMS compared to conventional fluidic systems are that the miniaturized system requires less reagent ( species or samples ) ensuing in faster, accurate and dependable measurings. Overall, the chief advantage of MFS is better public presentation. MFC requires building and design that significantly differs from macroscale hardware as the behaviour of fluid at microlevel is different. For illustration, the capillary action alterations significantly when the fluid base on balls through microscale diameter channels. As the graduated table becomes little the dimensions of a device achieves a certain size and the fluid particles or the solvent become comparable in size with the channel or the device itself. MFC are loosely used in semiconducting material processing engineering. The demand of MFS in the semiconducting material industry is for gas distribution and control. MEMS-based engineering can make force per unit area regulators, shut-off valves, and mass flow accountants ( MFC ) for electronics forte gases ( ESG ) distribution. The usage of MFS and faculties eliminates the size and figure of dyer's rockets and face seals used in incorporate gas control and distribution constituents. Regardless of the application spheres of MFS, the engineering design issues to be addressed are as follows: Precision alliance, truth, geometrical regularity and smoothness Mechanical parametric quantities such as opposition to chair and high force per unit areas. Architecture for complex construction and packaging denseness Standardization issuesBIO and CHEMO-Devices:Microdevices used for the analysis and sensing of biomedical and industrial reagents are called as bio and chemo-devices. Unlike MFS, bio and chemo-devices are diode-type, capacitor-type, transistor-type or 3D cantilever construction. Such devices for sample analysis for biomedical and industrial demands are still under development. Some of the applications are: Forensicss Familial showing Stress-response analysis Antibodies cistron look in transgenic cells Bio-warfare agents sensing Bacteria sensing Drug find, analysis and synthesisModeling AND SIMULATIONMEMS devices are designed on the footing of micromachining technique. Prior to their design, it is of import to analyze the behaviour of the systems. See a parallel home base capacitance type electrostatic MEMS actuator. If a electromotive force were applied across the two electrodes of the microactuator so the movable home base would be displaced ensuing propulsion. When an external forcing map is applied to the system a alteration may non happen at all. The alteration occurs merely when the input overcomes the loss constituent that is matter-of-fact in a existent system, the manner the system responds to the input depends on both input coercing map and on the other factors such as its geometry and the stuff utilizing which the system has been built. The jurisprudence of preservation of energy ever governs the relationship between the input and the end product of a system. In this instance the external forcing map could be a force, force per unit area or magnetic field. The of import thing is that each and every system can be seen through some signifier of regulating equations, which are formulated, based on the input and end pro duct relationships. The government equations are called as theoretical account equations or in other words the theoretical account equations represent the system. If exemplary equations are given it can be used directly off, else the equations have to be formulated merely by looking at the system. This is called as designation. Capacitor-based actuator is considered a simple dynamitic system and its analytic dynamic theoretical account equations can instantly be written as, C = a A / cubic decimeter ( T ) F = Q2 ( T ) / 2 a Angstrom I ( T ) = 1/R { V ( T ) – Q ( T ) cubic decimeter ( T ) / a A } milliliter ( T ) = -bl ( T ) – K { cubic decimeter ( T ) – l0 } – Q2 ( T ) / 2 a Angstrom Q ( T ) = 1/R { V ( T ) – Q ( T ) cubic decimeter ( T ) / aA } Where, v ( T ) = commanding input electromotive force ; Q ( T ) = charge in the capacitance ; F = C force ; C = electrical capacity ; I ( T ) = current through resistance ; cubic decimeter ( T ) = air spread ; l0 = initial spread ( when V ( T ) is zero ) ; A = home base country ; a = permittivity ; R = opposition in the circuit ; m = mass of the top home base ; B = muffling changeless ; K = spring invariable;Fig. 1.b Model diagram of an electrostatic capacitive microactuator L0 ( T ) L0 ( T ) m R B K–+I ( T ) V ( T )MEMS Packaging and Design ConsiderationsLike IC packaging, MEMS packages must hold the ability to run into some of import standards, such as There should be good isolation between the non-sensing and feeling countries of the device, There must non be any hinderance to the driving actions such as tilting, writhing, revolving, skiding, or vibrating, Efficient matching at the nexus, junction, anchor country, Unreliability issues due to the undermentioned grounds. Contamination Inactive overload Blending Lodging Clamping Delamination Creep FatigueMICROMACHININGThe term micromachining refers to the fiction of 3D MEMS constructions with the assistance of advanced lithography followed by etching. Lithography patterns the structural stuff whereas etching removes the selective part of the substrate or thin movie based structural and sacrificial stuff already deposited. In general, the micromachining procedure can either utilize the stuff to organize microstructures by etching straight into the stuff or utilize structural bed to bring forth the same. Sacrificial bed is etched off in order to obtain a separate 3D construction. Broadly, the fiction processes fall into two classs such as: Bulk micromachining Surface micromachining5.1 Bulk micromachining:Bulk micromachining is a procedure used to bring forth micromachinery or microelectrical mechanical systems ( MEMS ) . It refers to etching through both the sides of a majority of stuff to organize the coveted constructions. The constructions are formed by wet chemical etching or by reactive ion etching ( RIE ) . The advantage of majority micromachining is that substrate stuffs such as vitreous silica or individual crystal Si are readily available and moderately high aspect-ratio constructions can be fabricated. Normally, silicon wafers are used as substrates for majority micromachining, as they can be anisotropically wet etched, organizing extremely regular constructions. Wet etching typically uses alkalic liquid dissolvers, such as K hydrated oxide ( KOH ) or tetramethylammonium hydrated oxide ( TMAH ) to fade out Si which has been left exposed by the photolithography dissembling measure. These alkali dissolvers dissolve the Si in a extremely anisotropic manner, with some crystallographic orientations fade outing up to 1000 times faster than others. Such an attack is frequently used with really specific crystallographic orientations in the natural Si to bring forth V-shaped channels. The surface of these channels can be atomically smooth if the etch is carried out right, and the dimensions and angles can be exactly defined.5.2 Surface micromachining:Surface micromachining is another method that characterizes fiction of MEMS structures out of sedimentations thin movies, i.e, it involves the creative activity of mechanical constructions in thin movies already grown on the surface of the wafer. Layers from which the 3D constructions will be created may be composed of three beds as follows: Isolation bed: When Si substrate is used as the susbtrate, the first measure in surface micromachining is the deposition of an isolation bed. This bed is deposited with dielectric stuff such as Si dioxide ( SiO2 ) followed by a thin bed of Si nitrite. This acts as etch halt for many etchants. Sacrificial bed: Sacrificial bed is besides called spacer bed, which needs to be etched in order to make separate 3D construction. A phosphosilicate glass ( PSG ) bed os a preffered stuff for sacrificial bed. Structural stuff: this is the bed from which the construction will be built. The most common structural stuff in microfabrication is polysilicon ( poly-Si or merely poly ) . Polysilicon stuff based micromachining has been the anchor of the fiction engineering for many of the microsensors and actuators. Basic apprehension and control of the stuff belongingss of structural movies Let go ofing method for the microstructure Fabrication characteristics for hinged constructions and high-aspect ratio devices Boxing methods Fig 1.c, Surface micromachining Silicon has first-class mechanical belongingss doing it an ideal stuff for machining. The beds are deposited in sequence and later some selective parts of the sacrificial and structural beds are removed to construct up a 3D mechanical construction. Hydrofluoric acid can fade out the sacrificial bed. Rising and drying follow etching. Once done, the construction can be freed from the planar substrate. This is called release procedure. The surface micromachining procedure is a critical method, as it requires serious attending as the belongings of stuff significantly varies at the microstructure degree. In peculiar, following issues are dealt with careful attending.Market growing of MEMSPresently, MEMS market demands are going overpoweringly high. MEMS-based systems developers are concentrating on technological inventions, as they complete to offer merchandises that meet client demands every bit good as public presentation. The market increasingly is being strengthened by the fact that investing in MEMS is time-based value technology that meets the high industry demand. User and sellers are besides really sensitive to monetary value of the market while explicating market schemes, at least over short term. The value of MEMS merchandises increased 14 billion USD by the twelvemonth 2000, that was justly predicted during 1995. The market for RF MEMS devices is forecasted to turn to 1 billion USD by 2006. Towards the beg inning of the fourth one-fourth in the twelvemonth 1998, NEXUS ( The Network of Excellence in Multifunctional Microsystems ) undertaking force announced the first ‘Market Analysis for Microsystems ‘ , for the period 1996-2002. Their survey included all types of Microsystems, including MEMS. It is estimated a jutting market growing of 14 billion USD to 38 billion USD by the twelvemonth 2002. Figure 1.c shows the illustration of market growing every bit far as gross revenues of MEMS merchandises are concerned. Figure 1.d shows approximative per centum of assorted types of MEMS devices in assorted sectors. Fig. 1.d, Market growing of MEMS based merchandises Fig 1.e, An approximative illustration of MEMS merchandises in assorted sectorsApplicationsMEMS devices have already found important applications in many sectors. They are used for commanding micromanipulator, micro-handling equipments, microgrippers and microrobots. Many MEMS devices are found in clock, ink-jet pressman caput, colour projection and show systems and scanning investigation equipments. MEMS engineering besides designs many types of detectors including force per unit area, temperature, chemical and quiver detectors. MEMS-based light reflectors, beam splitter, RF and optical switches are common. Broadly the application sectors are: Aircraft industries Automotive Chemical, clinical and pharmaceuticals industry Automation industry and fabrication sectors Defense and infinite applications Environmental Communicationss Health scientific discipline ( Pacemakers ) Calculating ( Data storage devices, show, publishing caput ) Consumer merchandises

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Scrutinizing Adultery in the East Asian milieu through East Asian films

The ThinkExist dictionary states that adultery means immorality or unchastity of thinking as well as demeanour, as outlawed by the seventh commandment. It is the â€Å"unfaithfulness of a married person to the marriage bed; sexual intercourse by a married man with another other than his wife, or voluntary sexual intercourse by a married woman with another other than her husband†.It is regrettable that adultery is becoming extensive and out of control in the society of today. The fact that adultery is becoming widespread is perhaps due to the moral disposition of a particular country and its inhabitants or lack of appropriate implementation of the laws on adultery of a certain country.Astoundingly, adultery can be investigated in diverse contexts depending on the mores or background surrounding which adultery has been looked into. This write-up seeks to explore the concept of adultery in the East Asian context or perception by way of East Asian films or other creative or litera ry works for that matter.In the article Adultery and Bigamy in China, Jeffrey Hays describes how adultery is being depicted in the book â€Å"Bound Feet and Western Dress† by Pang-Mei Natasha Chang. Hays pointed out that the Chinese author Pang-Mei Natasha Chang tells the story of her great aunt Yu-I through this book.The book starts with the childhood days of Yu-I, her arranged marriage to Hsu Chih-Mo (her husband who was unfaithful to her), their divorce and the profession she later had. In this book, the author Pang-Mei Natasha Chang is told by her great aunt Yu-I, â€Å"You always ask me if I loved Hsu Chih-Mo, and you know I cannot answer this. It confuses me, this question, because everyone always tells me that I did so much for Hsu Chih-Mo, I must have loved him.In my entire life, I have never said to anyone, ‘I love you.' If caring for Hsu Chih-Mo and his family was love, then maybe I loved him†. Without a doubt, the book â€Å"Bound Feet and Western Dre ss† enlightens readers of the story of the earliest contemporary adultery in China.The adultery committed by Hsu Chih-Mo, the husband of Yu-I, in the narrative was stimulated by the actuality that the characters in the story were involved in an arranged marriage which is common in China.Arranged marriages can fuel or can cause adulterous acts to be perpetrated by either the husband or the wife with another woman or man correspondingly because of the fact that these types of marriages brings into the marital union two persons who are completely strangers to each other.These strangers are compelled to treat each other as husband and wife without being given the opportunity to know each other well. Hence, it becomes inevitable for any of the spouses to seek extramarital affection through illicit affairs with someone other than their spouses the moment they discovered that they are not really in love with the person they have married.Jeffrey Hays in the article Adultery and Bigamy in China laments that â€Å"simplified marriage procedures have led to a rise in bigamy†. In the past, according to Hays, it was ordinary for rich Chinese men to marry three or four women simultaneously. The wives had diverse responsibilities. They regularly had shared duties in the rearing and raising of their different children.The Chinese authorities plan to make public the nationwide marriage registry online so that wives can investigate their spouses and be convinced that they are not married to other women. The scheme has been initiated in order to eradicate bigamy and other adulterous conduct especially among Chinese men.The Chinese movie â€Å"In the Mood for Love† is another artistic work that depicts adultery in East Asian perspective. The director of the film is Wong Kar Wai. TKL, the assessor of the movie, states that regardless of all the hitches that occurred while the movie was being filmed, it turned out to be one of the best works of Wong Kar Wai.The film, according to TKL, is a soppy work of art that tells the story of a â€Å"couple in love and of lost opportunities†. The central characters in the movie, namely Mrs. Chan and Mr. Chow (Tony Leung) are both married to their respective spouses.They, however, got acquainted with each other and soon traded glimpses and lovely salutations towards each other. An extramarital affair soon began between the two characters after they have determined that their respective spouses were having an illicit affair.TKL continues his movie review by stating that Mrs. Chan and Mr. Chow initially wanted to map out how the illicit affair of their respective spouses began â€Å"until they unknowingly fell in love with each other too†.Mrs. Chan turned down the idea of fostering their extramarital relationship on account of her guilt feelings and on account of the fact that she did not want to be unfaithful like her husband and the wife of Mr. Chow. The film is clouded with romantic pass ions and unexpressed emotions.TKL declares that there was absence of societal restriction and there was no genuine disapproval for adultery. â€Å"The movie carries such pessimistic views†, TKL continues. â€Å"There is no positive message about fighting for love, or overcoming obstacles for love or even that love conquers all†.The movie mainly depicts the lives of those people who are not daring when it comes to love and prefer not to take the risks and spend the rest of their lives in disappointment and misery as a result. It shows how chances that once were lost could be lost perpetually.This Chinese motion picture suggests a familiar view that happiness can be obtained through a prohibited relationship with another person and such bliss can be forever unachievable if one were to select the rightful path. The rightful path is the path that invites one to forget one’s feelings towards someone who is not his or her spouse and evade extramarital relationship.Sou th Korea is one more country besides China which is situated in East Asia. South Korean dramas or motion pictures have achieved prominence and intense popularity in the past years. South Korean actors and actresses themselves have achieved tremendous recognition not only in South Korea but also in other states particularly in Asia and in the countries in the West.Cedric Collemine, in his article Adultery is Secret of Dramas’ Success, proclaims that when unfaithfulness is the main account of a new motion picture or a drama series in South Korea, spectators criticize and state that they have enough of the theme. Nevertheless, it was determined that these same spectators continue to be fastened to their television screens.Spectators pass judgment on stories about adulterous affairs but they still get pleasure from watching them. â€Å"And the more infidelity a show has, the higher its TV ratings are†. Collemine continues his scrutiny by relating that SBS will show a fresh drama series entitled â€Å"The Other Woman† and to separate this drama series from the other drama series, it will illustrate several unsafe extramarital relationships.To demonstrate uniqueness, Collemine states that the conception of the drama â€Å"The Other Woman† is â€Å"double infidelity†. A lady in the drama suffers extreme heartaches because of the illicit affairs committed by her spouse, but then she herself is committing adultery.It is important to mention that the plot that one person suffered pain due to the adulterous relationship of his or her spouse and then later finds himself or herself to fall into another traitorous relationship is parallel to the movie ‘April Snow’, starring Bae Yong-joon and Son Ye-jin.â€Å"My Rosy Life† is another South Korean drama series that is featured in the article Adultery is Secret of Dramas’ Success by Cedric Collemine. The story of â€Å"My Rosy Life† starts with a woman who â €Å"looks back into her own life after her marriage is in shambles after her husband committed adultery†. Jee-su, the central character in the narrative, is a staunch housewife for a decade.Her other half, Jae-min suddenly makes a shocking announcement. The shocking announcement is that Jae-min, her husband, is in love with another woman. He demands a divorce from his wife whom he has been married for thirteen years in order to live with another woman whom he has been having an affair for only two months.Jae-min tries every means in order to get a divorce from Jee-su his wife while Jee-su tries everything to alter the decision of her husband. The divorce came and after which, Jae-min asks his mistress to tie the knot with him but his mistress declines. For the time being, Jee-su lives alone and runs a business when she gets acquainted with a cable TV producer named Do-yeon whom she has fallen in love with.Ironically, the wife of Do-yeon is the mistress of her husband Jae-min. â€Å"Jee-su, who was a victim to the infidelity of her husband, now becomes the afflicter, and the four people get entangled in complicated love relationships†. This narrative, according to the producers, will offer an occasion for fully grown people to bring to mind their lives after marriage.Nevertheless, in contrast to â€Å"My Rosy Life†, which culminates with remorse and a recuperated marriage, â€Å"The Other Woman† inflames the audience with a lot of complex adulterous love affairs. It is safe to proclaim that up to date motion pictures and dramas have had triumph with traitorous themes.Surprisingly, however, in contrast to the triumph that these South Korean dramas and films with adulterous content experience, adulterous relationships perpetrated in actuality are dealt with seriously by the South Korean government. In connection with this, Jack Kim in his write-up, Jail for Adultery Law Upheld, asserts that the highest court of South Korea has upheld a n adultery law that is decades-old.The said adultery law can imprison guilty persons due to the commission of illicit or adulterous love affairs. Some people, however, say that such fact pertaining to imprisonment due to defiance of the adultery law is â€Å"anachronistic and infringes on personal freedom†. According to Jack Kim in his write-up, the court declares that the lawful observation of the general public that â€Å"adultery is damaging to the social order and infringes on the rights of another continues to be effective†.The legal battle began when the lawyers for actress Ok Bo-kyung made an appeal in January of 2008 in connection to the chaotic divorce arrangements that Ok Bo-kyung and her husband had entered into. Ok Bo-kyung disclosed that she indeed had an extramarital affair; nevertheless she accused her husband as an inadequate spouse.â€Å"The adultery law †¦ has degenerated into a means of revenge by the spouse, rather than a means of saving a mar riage,† the petition of Ok Bo-kyung had said. The adultery law was passed by the South Korean government in 1953 for the purpose of protecting women. Kim further disclosed that â€Å"in this male-dominated society, women had little recourse against a husband who had an affair.Back then, if a wife walked out of a marriage, she would often end up alone and penniless†. Currently, it is infrequent for unfaithful spouses to be imprisoned but such fact has not prevented lots of furious spouses from initiating criminal complaints every year. Indeed, it is clear by scrutinizing the circumstances at hand, that the adultery law of South Korea has a very righteous and noble objective which is that of safeguarding the marital rights of women and deferring unfaithful husbands from committing adultery.It is also obvious however, that although the law has been utilized towards that end, it has also been utilized towards other aims such as seeking retribution and justice.The diverse Ea st Asian films and other creative efforts that were dealt with that contained betrayal and adulterous subject matters can be utilized to explore how these films and artistic works reflect the viewpoint of a particular country on adultery and more importantly the character of the people in a particular country.To start with, it is relevant to point out the piece of writing entitled, Film View; What’s Adultery? A Little Sex, A Lot of Politics which is written by Caryn James. James, in her writing states that it is significant to examine what several film makers are doing for adultery at present. No less than eight movies from seven nations have provided a notion of betrayal around the globe in the past days.James pointed out that it is a clearly identifiable indication of a tumultuous â€Å"social era†. The film â€Å"Ju Duo† which is set in China in the 1920’s has a familiar storyline which is that of an arranged marriage between an adolescent girl and an elder man.The arranged marriage directs the adolescent woman to commit infidelity which unfortunately leads to murder. The Japanese film â€Å"The Sting of Death† on the other hand, illustrates a woman who realizes the adultery committed by her husband and goes crazy. James, in his writing cleverly pronounces that films like â€Å"Ju Duo†, â€Å"The Sting of Death† as well as the manuscript entitled, â€Å"Bound Feet and Western Dress† bring to the fore conjugal faithlessness to an imaginative and creative aspiration.James said that â€Å"in all these films, adultery is more than a matter of love or passion†. These films use the account of the marriage and adultery of a person to unveil societal insincerity in order to examine and condemn â€Å"one of the most crucial standards by which any culture lives†.â€Å"Most often, infidelity becomes a symbolic act of rebellion against the traditional social order†. Simply put, the diverse Eas t Asian movies particularly those in China that has adultery as their main theme are utilized by filmmakers in order to demonstrate their condemnation and disapproval of the existence of arranged marriages as part of the culture and common practices in China.Their disapproval on arranged marriages is being manifested in a subtle and imaginative fashion.Every East Asia film on adultery has been dealt with in a manner attributable to the â€Å"cinematic style† of each country in order to portray exceptionality and to present an informative â€Å"cross-cultural view†. In movies such as â€Å"Ju Dou†, adulterous conduct is unequivocally illustrated as a brave opposition against obsolete and old-fashioned practices. James said that these movies enlighten viewers of zeal and aggression, but they are more concerned with societal commentary.In the film â€Å"Ju Dou†, every ensuing behaviour of the main character named Ju Dou rebels the common practices of China t hat fastens her to an abusive spouse. â€Å"The affair and illegitimate son she has with Tian Qing are both symbolic and personal†. The abusive husband, so despicable that he attempts to kill the child, symbolizes the wicked traditions (and in addition the Chinese government dominion) that have held China back.When the wicked husband dies, a family leader calls upon the prehistoric ideas and evicts Tian Qing. â€Å"Challenging such rigid social patterns is both heroic and tragic and in this context, the persistent love between Ju Dou and Tian Qing is as much a failed social rebellion as it is a private passion†. James further said that in films such as â€Å"Ju Dou, the movie producer feels sorry for seditious lovers, whose ardent opposition to tradition bears figurative credence.The other personalities in the movie who contest the arranged marriage and the penalty for adultery are likewise tough characters. Nevertheless, the insurgence falls short, leading to a berea vement that functions as a powerful condemnation of obsolete common practices for its own sake. The film â€Å"The Sting of Death†, on the other end, is much more unequivocal in its utilization of adulterous theme as a ‘social metaphor’.â€Å"The film uses the medium of the relationship of a husband and wife to graphically depict the character of the Japanese people in the post war era†.The wife in this story married a soldier about to be sent to battle. This movie does not portray an arranged marriage but it is one that is â€Å"coloured by the exigencies of war and nationalism† and â€Å"when she discovers his infidelity after ten years of marriage and two children, the screen overflows with his guilt, her obsessive recriminations and mutual threats of suicide†.Certainly, the various East Asia movies and creative works that were scrutinized in this composition reflect the objective of the movie producers in creating such films with adultero us subject matters. These movie producers want to make a virulent statement towards the government of the country where they inhabit.These movie makers used artistic mechanisms to display their condemnation of a certain rigid societal pattern or to display their abhorrence or adoration to adultery itself and finally to demonstrate their deliberation on the quality of the people in a particular country specially those countries wherein which adulterous relationship is rampant. Works CitedCollemine, Cedric. â€Å"Adultery is Secret of Dramas’ Success†. December 2, 2005. .Hays, Jeffrey. â€Å"Adultery and Bigamy in China†. April 2010. .James, Caryn. â€Å"Film View; What’s Adultery? A Little Sex, A Lot of Politics†. October 14, 1990. .Kim, Jack. â€Å"Jail for Adultery Law Upheld†. October 30, 2008. .ThinkExist, â€Å"Meaning of Adultery†. 2010. TKL, â€Å"In the Mood for Love†. 2008. < http://www.spcnet.tv/Movies/In-the-Mood-for-Love-review-r444.html>.